July 27, 2024


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About Breathing in Creation

“Useful and enjoyable and inspired = Innovative Content”

Ann Handley

Our mission at Breathing in Creation is to shed more light on content creators who inspire with great ideas, useful material, and inspiring content. YouTube has become a source of entertainment, information and a multitude of other things. We’ve decided to give a spotlight to the creators we believe make content that’s meaningful.

In such a tech-based world it seems like we are even more connected than ever. Want to learn how to start a garden? How about advice on photography? Or maybe you just want a nice channel with uplifting themes. We have it here for you to check out before your deep dive in. The best recommendations on inspiring channels and people who speak to you and what you believe in.

We take pride in making sure we stick to a growth mindset theme. All of the content creators we will be previewing are positive people who are looking to create change by sharing their stories and information in a positive way.